Findout About Escort Web Designers

Escort design service build on the back of our massive business network... Working to the high standard that all business client expect be it adult services or not. same with our Confidentiality.

Desirenet design's affordable websites.

Web design service is not new to us... Step back in time; our sister company history goes back to 1983; trading under the name of Atlas Enterprises, our main focus of business then was home computers, (Remember the ZX 81 or the Vic 20) and software.

In 1989 Hele Solutions was setup to aid businesses with the implementation of manufacturing and stock control systems.

1996 Our sister company Euro Netstart started to develop business websites now renamed AMD Web Design.

2001 we made the decision to give our adult content web design side of our business its own name "Desire Net"

Desirenet: We design affordable escort websites customised to meet your escort service requirements.

Our sister company AMD Web Design is one of the UK's leading Web development companies. As a whole, we are also one of the few that remains independent, under our family name AMD Solutions

Network Information

We have our own face and we are not hidden behind one-man-company, but we also aren't company with unnecessary employees so that fact allows us to keep our prices radically low.

Many of our customers left their host companies because their technical and sales support didn't work satisfactory. Our high trained technical stuff is here just for you - we offer not only good prices and good technical support, but we also guarantee reliability and speed due to our directly connection to Ebone, Level3 and other ISPs.

Our UK based network is one of the most well connected with multiple high-speed connections providing lightning fast access for even the most demanding web applications and services. This is what makes our web hosting one of the fastest and most reliable Solutions around!.

Switches, hubs and routers:

Our servers are on a 100/1000MBIT network that is equipped with only 3com and Cisco switches, hubs and routers.

UPS backups and generator:

APC Battery Backups supply power to all of our servers in the event of a power failure. They provide power until the backup generator has been automatically started.


CCTV cameras are in operation 24 hours a day, which are monitored by trained staff. Making the sure only authorised personnel gain access to our servers.

Network Monitoring:

The network is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by experienced technicians. We are alerted if any of our servers stops responding or is not performing to our high standard.

Mission Statement

Desirenet is committed to providing the greatest value possible while providing website packages which cover all of your needs.


  • Stop talking about it - get on with it. Be decisive. Get things done now, or miss opportunities. Act on information at once. Be busy being effective. Get it right first time.
  • Always treat our customers, business partners and your colleagues with courtesy and respect. No prejudices are permissible. Gain the respect of others through example
  • Lead, follow or get out of the way. Give direction, guidance, focus. If in command - take charge. Influence positively. Be dynamic. Set an example. Strive to be the best.